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🚩 Getting Started

Advanced Queues for Jira Service Management empowers users to optimize their time and productivity by offering robust tools for sorting, filtering, and searching through issues within their projects. Here's how it works:

Time-Saving and Efficient Queue Management:

  • Users can significantly reduce the time spent on issue management thanks to advanced sorting and filtering capabilities.

  • Prioritizing, locating, and resolving critical issues becomes a swift and efficient process.

Import Queues from Other Projects:

  • Users can streamline their workflow by importing queues from other projects.

  • This feature not only saves time but also allows users to customize the scope and priority of the imported queues, tailoring them to their specific needs.

Visibility Control Within Jira Groups:

  • Advanced Queues provides control over visibility within Jira groups.

  • Users can determine which queues are accessible to different groups of Jira users, ensuring that the right people have access to the right queues, enhancing collaboration and issue management.

In essence, Advanced Queues for Jira Service Management empowers users to work smarter, not harder, by providing efficient tools for issue management, import flexibility, and access control within Jira groups.

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