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Display Priority Score on Kanban & Backlog view

Displaying the priority score on Kanban and Backlog views depends on your project type:

For Next-Gen Projects (Jira's Limitation):
Unfortunately, in Jira Next-Gen projects, there's a current limitation that prevents adding additional information to issue cards. You can't display priority scores on issue cards in these projects, but this limitation may change in the future. For updates, you can refer to Atlassian's issue tracking here.

For Classic Projects:
If you're working with Classic Projects, you can follow these steps to add and display the priority score on issue cards:

  1. Access Board Settings.

  1. Navigate to the "Card Layout" section.

  2. Add "Score" to the card layout.

  1. The priority score will then be visible on the issue cards.

This setting is applicable to both Kanban and Backlog views in Classic Projects, and it enables you to quickly and easily view priority scores on your issue cards.

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