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v1.2.17 - Export as CSV | Quick View Switching

  • Export Prioritization Grid in CSV Format (Pro)

    • You can now easily export your prioritization grid directly into a CSV file. This new feature allows you to quickly generate a CSV file from your current prioritization grid, making it simpler to share, analyze, and archive your prioritization data.

    • More info → BPN Grid Export as CSV

  • Quick View Switching (Pro)

    • We've introduced a powerful enhancement to improve your workflow efficiency: the ability to switch views quickly from the grid itself. With just a few clicks, you can switch between your saved views directly from the grid. This feature streamlines your workflow, enabling you to toggle between different data perspectives without hassle.

  • Grid Performance Improvement and Bug fixes

    • We have done a number of bug fixes in this release paired with certain grid performance improvements.

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