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Checklist custom fields

This document provides a comprehensive overview of all custom fields available for tracking and managing checklist-related data in Jira. Each field is designed to provide insights into different aspects of a checklist, enabling efficient monitoring and reporting.

Field Name


Total Tabs

Total number of tabs in checklist

Total Sections

Total number of sections in checklist

Total Items

Total number of items in checklist

Total Mandatory Items

Total number of mandatory items in checklist

Items Done

Number of items done in checklist

Mandatory Items Done

Number of mandatory items done in checklist

Items Remaining

Number of items remaining in checklist

Mandatory Items Remaining

Number of mandatory items remaining in checklist

Items Done Percentage

Percentage of items done in checklist

Mandatory Items Done Percentage

Percentage of mandatory items done in checklist

Checklist Progress

Checklist progress

Checklist YAML

Readable format of checklist

You can use these fields in the following areas

  1. JQL


  2. Boards - Backlog and Kanban



  3. Dashboards



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