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Personal Checklist

A personal checklist is exclusively for an individual user's private use. Users have the freedom to create their own personal checklists, tailoring them to their specific needs and preferences. These checklists prove invaluable when managing repetitive tasks, especially within tickets. Importantly, personal checklists are entirely confidential – only the user who created them can access, modify, or delete them. They serve as a personal productivity tool, aiding in work organization and task management.

To access your personal checklist, navigate to the "Apps" section. Once there, you can open your personal checklist and customize it to your liking. This customized checklist can then be applied to your tickets, enhancing your ability to manage and streamline your work efficiently.

In the Settings menu, you'll find a range of customization options to tailor your checklist to your preferences:

  1. Naming Your Checklist: You can provide a specific name for your checklist, making it easier to identify and organize.

  2. Changing the Theme: Customize the visual theme of your checklist to suit your style or preferences.

  3. Showing Quotes: Decide whether you'd like to display inspirational or motivational quotes within your checklist interface.

  4. Enabling/Disabling Item Description: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the ability to add descriptions to checklist items. Enabling this feature allows you to provide additional context or details for each task.

  5. Enabling/Disabling Markdown: Toggle Markdown support on or off. Markdown allows you to format text in various ways, adding richness to your checklist items.

  6. Enabling/Disabling Smart Tags: Choose whether to enable or disable smart tags within your checklist. Smart tags provide additional functionality and categorization options for your items.

  7. Adding a Background: Personalize your checklist further by adding a background, making it visually appealing and unique to your taste.

These settings empower you to create a checklist environment that aligns with your specific needs and preferences, enhancing your productivity and overall experience.

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