Test Forge
The TestForge agent in AI Agents for Jira is designed to automatically generate detailed, issue-specific test cases. By leveraging AI, TestForge reduces manual effort in test case creation, allowing teams to focus on execution and quality assurance.
In order to add this Agent, Navigate to Project > AI Agents for Jira > Agents Library > Add Test Forge.
You can configure Default Agent from Project > AI Agents for Jira > Agents Page. Alternatively, you can also tune the agent before using it from within the Jira Ticket.
Use the following settings to tailor the agent to your project requirements:
Description Level
Choose the level of detail for generated test cases:
Basic: Quickly generate test-cases with default settings.
Advanced: Fine-tune test case generation with additional settings; you can handcraft your custom prompt here. For example, ask the AI agent to focus on load-testing scenarios.
Content Selection
Select the issue details to be used for test case generation:
Summary: Use the issue summary as a high-level test case title.
Description: Include details from the issue description to enrich the test case.
Comments: Analyze comments for additional test scenarios.
Test Case Count
Define the approximate number of test cases to generate for each issue.
Issue Type
Specify the type of Jira issue to be generated for test cases.
Test Case Type Select the type of test cases to be generated, ensuring alignment with your project’s testing requirements. Available types include:
Compatibility Test
End-to-End Test
Exploratory Test
Functional Test
Integration Test
Load Test
Performance Test
Regression Test
Sanity Test
Security Test
Smoke Test
Stress Test
Unit Test
Usability Test
User Acceptance Test (UAT)
Example: Selecting Unit Test will instruct the agent to generate test cases focused on validating individual components or functionalities.
Test Case Methodology
Select a test case methodology that aligns with your testing approach:Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)
Test-Driven Development (TDD)
Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD)
Specification by Example (SBE)
Exploratory Testing
Agile Testing
Scripted Testing
Property-Based Testing
Context-Driven Testing
Risk-Based Testing
Example: Use TDD to generate test cases based on a test-first development approach.
Include Test Case Data Optionally include specific test case data in the description for execution purposes.
Assign team members to the generated test cases, or leave it unassigned.