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AI Agents for Jira currently comes with the following 5 pre built agents.

1. Task Tailor

Break down complex tickets into smaller, manageable issues.

  • Perfect for Epics or large tasks.

  • Automatically generates sub-tasks or stories.

2. Test Forge

Generate detailed test cases based on issue descriptions and requirements.

  • Ideal for QA teams.

  • Ensures comprehensive test coverage.

3. Acceptify

Draft acceptance criteria for your tickets to align with team and stakeholder expectations.

  • Great for Agile teams.

  • Ensures clarity and consistency.

4. Desk Genie

Craft smart, context-aware responses to customer queries and comments.

  • Ideal for support and service teams.

  • Reduces response time while maintaining quality.

5. Form Pilot

Automatically collect and fill forms or fields based on issue data and insights.

  • Perfect for teams working with custom issue forms.

  • Reduces manual form entry.

Example: Form Pilot pre-fills mandatory fields in a ticket using available data, saving time and avoiding errors.

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