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Checklist History


The Checklist History feature allows users to track and view the changes made to checklist items, sections, and tabs. This feature provides a comprehensive log of modifications, ensuring transparency and accountability within the application.

How to Enable

To enable checklist history, go to Project > Checklist for Jira Cloud > Settings > Enable History

Feature Description

The Change History feature logs the following actions within the checklist application:

  • Items: Adding, editing, deleting, marking as complete/incomplete.

  • Sections: Adding, editing, deleting, and renaming.

  • Tabs: Adding, editing, deleting, and renaming tabs.

Each change log entry includes the following:

  • The type of action performed.

  • The user who performed the change.

  • The timestamp of the action.

  • The old and new values (if applicable).

Viewing Change History

The history is displayed chronologically, showing the most recent changes first. To access the checklist

  1. Navigate to the ticket with a checklist.

  2. Click on the "Checklist History" button.

  3. The change history will be displayed, listing all recorded changes.

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