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🧑User Guide

Using the GPT Issue Panel

The GPT Issue Panel allows you to use AI directly within Jira issues to streamline your work. You can quickly generate summaries, draft status updates, and create responses to comments with the click of a button. These features help save time and ensure consistency in communication, making it easier to manage individual tasks.

GPT Issue Panel

Refer to :

GPT Issue Panel

Using the GPT Hub for Multi-Issue Management

Access the GPT Hub via Apps > GPT Hub to interact with multiple Jira issues simultaneously. Use the "Ask AI" feature to summarize multiple issues or perform custom queries, such as identifying blocked tasks. This helps project managers gain a clear overview without manually going through each issue.

Maximizing Efficiency with GPT Integration

The GPT integration offers real-time assistance, improving productivity and communication. Prompts can be customized by your Project Admin to suit specific workflows, making AI assistance even more effective for your needs.


Refer to :

GPT Global Panel

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