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How to Switch a Prioritization Method in Your Backlog

Switching prioritization methods allow you to adjust how your backlog is ordered based on different scoring criteria. This can be useful when your project's priorities change or you need to focus on different metrics. Below are the steps and important considerations to follow when switching prioritization methods.

What Happens When You Switch Methods

  • Metrics and Method Storage: We store both metric values and the method (or score) associated with each ticket.

  • Method Reset: When you switch to a new prioritization method, the score values for all tickets will reset to zero. This reset ensures that the new scoring system starts with a clean slate, ready to be populated with the new method's values.

  • Metric Retention: Although the method values reset, the original metric values remain intact within each ticket. If your new prioritization method uses any of these existing metrics, their values will automatically populate in the new method.

Important Notes

  • Recalculate Scores: After switching to a new prioritization method, it is essential to recalculate the scores for all tickets. This recalculation ensures that your backlog reflects the priorities according to the new method.

Please refer to a short video below to demonstrate this process.

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