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Managing Prioritization Methods

Backlog prioritization is a critical aspect of project management, especially in agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban. Prioritizing the backlog helps ensure that the most valuable and important work gets done first. There are various methods and techniques for backlog prioritization, and the choice of method often depends on the specific needs and context of the project. Here are some common backlog prioritization methods:

Following four methods are provided by default, you can customize them to your needs

Adding a new method

A new method can be added to define how metrics are used together to compute the score of a ticket. Backlog prioritization comes with many default methods but if you need, you can create a new one like below.

  • Click on the Methods tab

  • Click Add New Prioritization method

  • Provide a name

  • Write the basic formula, you can refer to metrics using a $ and can use math operators to calculate the score.

You can use any / all metric pre-defined / custom, inside a mathematical formula to generate a numeric score.

This score can now be used to sort tickets / issues and pick and pick the most prioritized item.

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