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Reset Metric Values and Scores


The "Reset Metric Values and Scores" feature in the Backlog Prioritization app allows users to reset the metric values and business scores for a specific project. This function is useful when you want to start fresh with your prioritization metrics without affecting the existing column selections or other project settings.

Steps to Reset Metric Values and Scores

  1. Navigate to the Backlog Prioritization Settings:

    • Go to the "Backlog Prioritization" section in your Jira project.

    • Click on the "Settings" tab.

  2. Locate the Reset Option:

    • In the "Settings" tab, find the section titled "Reset Metric Values and Scores." This section allows you to reset all metric values and business scores associated with the current project.

  3. Reset the Metrics:

    • Click on the red "Reset" button next to "Reset Metric Values and Scores."

    • A confirmation dialog may appear to ensure you want to proceed with resetting all metrics and scores. Confirm the action to complete the reset.

Important Notes

  • Impact of Resetting:

    • Resetting the metric values and scores will clear all current values and scores set for the project. This action cannot be undone.

  • No Effect on Column Selection:

    • This reset function does not alter any of your column selections in the grid. It specifically targets the metric values and business scores.

By following these steps, you can effectively reset the metric values and scores for your project in the Backlog Prioritization app, allowing you to start anew with your prioritization metrics.

Screenshot Reference

Below is a visual reference of the "Reset Metric Values and Scores" option in the Backlog Prioritization settings:


This screenshot highlights the location of the reset button within the settings tab.

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