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WSJF: Weighted Shortest Job First

WSJF stands for "Weighted Shortest Job First," and it is a prioritization method commonly used in Agile and Lean development environments, particularly in the context of SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework).

WSJF is designed to help teams prioritize their work based on the value delivered, time required, and the size or effort involved in completing a particular job or project. The main goal of WSJF is to maximize the economic benefits of the work done while minimizing waste and ensuring alignment with business objectives.

Here's how WSJF is calculated:

WSJF = (Business Value + Time Criticality + Risk Reduction) / Job Size

Let's break down each component:

  1. Business Value:
    This represents the value that a particular job or project delivers to the business or the organization. Business Value is usually assessed on a relative scale, and teams can use techniques like MoSCoW prioritization (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won't have) or other methods to assign values to different jobs.

  2. Time Criticality:
    This factor reflects the urgency or time sensitivity of a job or project. Jobs that need to be completed sooner may have a higher Time Criticality score. This can be assessed based on deadlines, market opportunities, customer needs, etc.

  3. Risk Reduction:
    This component represents the extent to which a job or project mitigates risks for the business. Jobs that address critical risks may receive higher scores in this category.

  4. Job Size:
    This is an estimation of the size or effort required to complete the job or project. Job size can be measured in story points, ideal days, or any other unit of estimation used by the team.

Once the values for each component are determined for a specific job, they are added together to calculate the WSJF score. The job with the highest WSJF score is given the highest priority and should be addressed before other lower-priority jobs.

WSJF helps teams make informed decisions about which jobs or projects to tackle first, ensuring that the most valuable, time-critical, and risk-reducing tasks are given the necessary attention. It promotes a more efficient allocation of resources and supports the continuous delivery of value to customers and stakeholders.

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